E8993 Bear Rhythm Drum
This product is specially designed for the growth and development needs of children aged over 18 months. Through the rhythm creation gameplay and the linkage effect of engineering gear, it establishes children's experience in STEAM, enlightening children's interest in art and thinking about the principle of engineering structure. Cultivate the basic artistic thinking of perceiving rhythm, musical instrument sound and color to increase the fun of toys.
Hola Bear Rhythm Drum will play music when kids rotate the gears or pat the drum button. What’s more, each gear stands for one musical instrument. Taking out or putting down the gears will make the music reduce or superimpose the timbre of the instruments. Kids can create their own music in this way!
- Cognitive vs. Creation
- Gear game & Create melody
- Multi-instrument timbre interesting sound effects
- Colorful light show

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Chenghai District,Shantou, Guangdong, PR.China
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